Kurulus Osman Season 6 Episode 182 Trailer 2 | End of Sofia

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This episode is one of the finest and most beautiful episodes in this season of founder Osman’s series, where it was characterized by a high dramatic level and deserved to be ranked the best dramatic episode of this season and perhaps among the best episodes in the history of the series as a whole outperforming all the actors in their performance and on their master artist Burak who brilliantly embodied Osman’s exceptional role kurulus osman season 6 episode 182.

especially in the scenes of deep grief on his wife Bala khatun alone, who managed to communicate the feelings the sights of loss and hearts of his children With craftsmanship, it made us feel like a real child. In fact, his mother lost his hard feelings with his shivering voice kurulus osman episode 182.

Tears collapsed with a burn that increased the depth of the scene and affected the hearts of viewers. But the great surprise in this throat was Sofia, although she was the main enemy of Othman Her dream of becoming either kurulus osman season 6.

Kurulus Osman Season 6 Episode 182 Trailer 2

But this painful and sudden event was like a shock to everyone. It showed us another dimension of Sofia’s character and proved that her motivations were not just blind hatred, but rather she carried a wound to our bayside that caused her to turn into this revenge monster Bozdag, in getting rid of influential characters, made this decision controversial among fans of the series and added to it all kurulus osman episode 182 trailer 2.

This throat was the most important and most awaited throughout the season, where the strings of truth finally unfolded.He heard Sofia’s confessions during her imprisonment of Mrs. Baleh, in which she revealed that she had abducted the child when she was young and wiped her memory to create her own daughter kurulus osman,kurulus osman 182.

This moment was a moment of difference, but was this alone enough to make Haleh believe that she was his son Bala As Fatima does, indicating that she still needs further confirmation, or perhaps to face him directly with Sofia or Mrs. Bala herself to discover her full truth at the same time, it is clear that Osman had a strong sense that she did not die kurulus osman season 6 episode 182 trailer.

Malhun Return & End of Sofia

He found the first evidence of this when he found her horse that led him to the tree, which left his sign to confirm that she was still alive, as she tied her shoulder or his pieces to his interior Where is Bala, and here will be the crucial role of Halima, she’s the only one who knows where she is.But in return, Osman would seem doubtful in Mary, especially that she was not known to him before and that he was not aware of her truth how Mary knew that Bala was still alive and how she was able to know where she was osman season 6.

These questions would make him look suspicious. If she decided to repent and retract her betrayal or still play a double role and seek them in a new trap Everything, sir, but there is no time now. I have revealed the whereabouts of Mrs. Bala and her life is in great danger kurulus osman urdu.

We must speed up to save her. There are big surprises that will be revealed to us by the surprises that his nipple refers to are nothing but the big fact that his daughter who thought she had died years ago is still alive, but in return Sofia has not yet acknowledged his explicit Reveal the full truth kurulus osman episode 182.

Kurulus Osman Season 6 Episode 182 Trailer 2 Ilbay Begum End

At that moment, you will recall her old memories and you will realize that Mary is indeed her daughter in what will be her true identity after finding the answers she was looking for all the time, Osman will face huge obstacles in trying to save his wife, Mr. Bala, from captivity urulus osman episode 182 trailer 2.

The place where she is held is not just a normal prison, but inside his castle, the siege made by Osman, his stranglehold castle is no longer prevented Bei and Begum, who will not stop pursuing him and trying to thwart all his plans or eliminate him once and for all in the previous throat kuruluş osman.

Osman failed to retrieve his tribe and received a blow with the loss of one of his closest warrior leaders As was the case in the past when he used the ticker than he took a long time and put him in danger of boiling black oil and fire, Osman will follow his line even more decisive kurulus osman season 6 episode 181.

Kurulus Osman Season 6 Episode 181 Trailer 2 | Halima Hatun Plan

He will blow the tortoise gates by using flying fire to make his way as fast as inside, but once Osman arrives at the tortoise prison he will surprise that Mr. Bala is not there The closest to Sofia during the previous period had some information about his location if she didn’t know the exact location, she might have some threads that might help Usman reach him, but she would have to keep deceiving Sofia and claim that she didn’t remember anything about her crimes and lies.But here lies the great dangers of my class. It is not an easy opponent. It is a shrewd devil who can read faces and discover lies easily kurulus osman 182 bolum.

She has more doubts than once that Halimah has begun to recover her memories or that she is influenced by Osman, his family and his milk, despite her intelligence To save Halima’s life, but also because it will allow her to see the true face of Sofia the woman who cheated on her for many years kuruluş osman son bölüm.

Regardless of the outcome, Sofia’s lies are unfolding and her great game is about to collapse. In parallel to these enthusiastic events, there is yet another confrontation It’s about people’s closest to him.He believes that justice must be applied to everyone without exception kurulus osman episode 182 trailer.

Kurulus Osman Season 6 Episode 182

This includes his sister Bajam, who not only betrayed Osman and his Mughal assistant, but was involved in his attempt to kill Mrs. Baleh. The cause of the killing of the warrior was a rocket and a number of warriors and contributed to the destruction of the tribe and the suffering of the people Her brother Yusuf came face to face in a struggle between justice and betrayal between blood and duty kurulus osman season6 episode 182.

What will be the end of Begum? Will you pay for her betrayal? Finally, the announcement shows another emotional scene where we see Orhan and Aldin embracing their father Osman with joy and surprise.Obviously, this moment is sixty after the end of the previous episode and before the meeting of Osman with Halima.

as we saw the scenes of his fighting within one of the small tribes of Osman, where Orhan and the warriors are fighting a fierce battle against the soldiers of the Mughals, and it seems that Osman seemed to take back control of the small tribes and join them to strengthen his strength in preparation for the next confrally.